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Simple girl with not-so-simple thinking.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bijli !!

Like a diwali cracker it would have lit up and burst...leaving us in pitch darkness for nearly fifteen hours. Which, by the way, was neither diwali lights nor as fun either; thats the transformer in our area.

With the stormy rains, we are subjected to unlimited torture in the candle light dinners nowadays. Being a person recuperating from three week long illness, my options for leisure are anyway...well, very limited. Minimal physical exertion. So not me. :\

Nevertheless, my dearest mom is here to take care of my boredom. So, the thing that came to our rescue, was...

Tada! Playing cards..yes, by Nandi ;).

Its funny how these petty wins and loses in these card games start making so much of a difference when this is all you got. We started with these as goodwill games. But, they turned ugly with all the score-keeping, cheating and nasty mind games! Gradually, so much so, that the loser was made to wear a degrading crown, a symbol of failure! LOL. Check that out. My poor little sister was the loser almost every single time. Everyone learns.

What darkness always reminds me is the amount we're dependant on electricity. Everything stops without it. The only thing that remains which can be done comfortably in no-power situation is, whine. The whole situation is so depressing for me that I almost rejoice with a cheer dance at the advent of electricity. Hola Ho Ho!

Anyyyway, the lights came up just now and I decided to put this blog up. Happy light situations to all of you.

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